Customer testimonials

Translation services feedback

“Very accurate and punctual.”

Adam Kerekes, F4A S.A.

“Kätlin is an excellent service provider! High quality translations, good communication, timely deliveries. A pleasure to work with.”

Erik Brinkhof, Isaan Translations

“Very professional. I will definitely work with her again.”

Thomas Busch, Careerjet

“Kätlin is very flexible and always on time! I can only recommend her to others.”

Klara Peer, Olelo Kft.

“The translation was done quickly and perfectly. Kätlin has the experience to even translate legal documents. But she isn’t just a translator, she also makes suggestions on how to improve the original documents. I sincerely recommend her to others!”

Kärt Viltrop, PocketPro OÜ

“Kätlin is efficient, detail oriented, personable and a highly capable translator, dedicated to providing top quality service. I am very happy to have found her.”

Agnes Meilhac, Beautyterm Beautélogie LLC

“Apart from the professionalism and efficiency displayed, Kätlin is extremely considerate as well. She always delivers top-notch quality within the required deadline and trust me – I always need everything done yesterday. I highly recommend Kätlin for English to Estonian translations!”

Greta Jurgutytė, UAB Alteus

“Great work, and a very reliable and clear communicator. We would certainly recommend Kätlin.”

Declan Tan, Bridgehead Media